Get ILabels with colors auto set based on a the states passed
into the function. The function can at most generate 20 unique
colors. If more states exist than the colorset, the states that occur
the most number of times will receive ILabels and the others
will get undefined.
states: Array<string | undefined>
the set of states to auto generate colors for
Default value colorSet: string[] = Marker.colorSets.colorBrewer
each element in the array will correspond to
each state. There will be a single ILabel object
for each unique state name (likely occurring multiple
times in the array)
Get ILabels with colors auto set based on a the states passed into the function. The function can at most generate 20 unique colors. If more states exist than the colorset, the states that occur the most number of times will receive ILabels and the others will get undefined.